Well, everyone wanted to look good and handsome. And looking good and attractive is very important to make a good impression on other people. And there is famous proverbs that "First impression is a last impression". So we are in worry day and night on How to make yourself Good Looking in short period of time.
So, to make yourself good looking, you must have a Great personalty.
But the personalty of many is affected by the Pimples and Aces on their face which are the main reasons that affected their personalty in many ways.
Now, today we are going to discuss about How to Get Rid of Pimples and Aces in short period of time.
First you need to know that What is Pimples and Why do they happen?
There things are normal in every person. The oil made your hair shinny and also keep your skin from getting dry.
Lemon is an other best way to get rid from pimples and aces. Lemon juice which is rich in vitamin C and the vitamin c is helping the pimples to dry faster. Make sure to use the fresh lemon juice. Don't use the bottled lemon juice because it has preservatives.
So, to make yourself good looking, you must have a Great personalty.
But the personalty of many is affected by the Pimples and Aces on their face which are the main reasons that affected their personalty in many ways.
Now, today we are going to discuss about How to Get Rid of Pimples and Aces in short period of time.
First you need to know that What is Pimples and Why do they happen?
What are Pimples?
Pimples are happen when the Sebaceous Glands became overactive. They are located at the base of hair Follicales. Pimples are mostly happening to face, back, shoulder and chest. The skin gland, Sebaceous Gland, they secrete a sebum which is waxy or oil for the skin and hair in both humans and mammals.Why do they happen?
There are holes in our skin, if you look closely in mirror. They are called Pores. Inside the pores you'll find:
- Bacteria
- Oil
- Skin cells which are dead.
There things are normal in every person. The oil made your hair shinny and also keep your skin from getting dry.
When a Girl or Boy enters in Puberty, to many changes occur in the body.
- Your skin started making more oil
- The dead cells and Bacteria come up the pores
Now, i am going to tell you the home remedies to cure the Pimples and Aces naturally.
There are to many lotions and medicines to remove or cure the pimple and they are also too costly but not really they cure and also have side effects which are also bad for you and your skin.
- Ice
Ice can be used to cure the pimples and aces. it reduces the redness, swelling and inflammation of aces and it also help to improve the blood circulation in skin cell. Rubbing the ice on skin will also remove dirt and oil accumulation from skin.
How to use Ice:
- Take a piece of cloth and take ice cube. Wrap the ice cube in piece of cloth and put it on the affected area by pimples for some seconds.
- Repeat the same process for some time and do it on daily base.
- Lemon
How to use Lemon:
- Take a swap of cotton and dip it in juice and put it on the pimple area before bed.
- Toothpaste
The Toothpaste that we use in every morning to clean up our teeth can be used to cure the pimples and aces. That is the most quick method to cure the pimples. It is the most effective when you use ice then you must have to use toothpaste for better result.
how to use Toothpaste:
- Place the Toothpaste on effected area before bed.
- Wash the mouth with water when you wake up in the morning.
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