MUMBAI: Indian actor Ranbir Kapoor and Mahira Khan new Scandal. Ranbir Kapoor has Broken his silence over their viral Pictures!!!
Pakistani beauty Mahira Khan and Indian hunk Ranbir Kapoor are taking the internet by storm! Recently, an online agency leaked the photos of the two and left all of us surprised.
Mahira Khan, 32, and Ranbir Kapoor, 34, have become the talk of the town after their leaked pictures went viral on social media. As per sources close to them, these private photos were captured on the streets of New York.
Both Mahira and Ranbir were dressed in casual outfits. Mahira was wearing a white skirt, showing off her back and legs. On the other hand, Ranbir was dressed in a plain shirt with baggy pajamas.
The couple was spotted smoking on the streets of New York, and from the leaked pics, it seems they were having a late night fun in NYC.
He said in his Statement:
“I’ve gotten to know Mahira in a personal capacity over the last few months. She is somebody who I admire and respect, for her achievements and even more for the person she is. It is very unfair the way she is being judged and spoken about. What is also sad is the inequality in judgment just because she is a woman. I request you to stop the negativity and move on with your beautiful god gifted lives. Peace and love,”
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